Work Experience |
Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon |
Associate Professor |
Sept. 2015 - Onward |
Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses
Graduate and undergraduate project supervision
RHU CISCO academy, founder and main contact
Organizing Workshops on Matlab, Weka, and Python
Member of the academic and curriculum committee at RHU
Mobinets, Lebanon |
RAN/Core Product manager |
Oct. 2012 – Aug. 2015 |
Product line manager for "RAN & core manager" modules in Mobinets NEP
- RAN and core inventory, dimensioning, planning, optimization, traffic forecasting, PM and FM
Contribution to RFI and RFP preparation, and requirement collection from customers
RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Senior Researcher |
Nov. 2010 – Sep. 2012 |
Postdoctoral Researcher |
Mar. 2009 – Oct. 2010 |
Involved in several European and industrial projects:
- Managing national and European projects
- Preparing industrial and European project proposals
- Contributing to NGMN Alliance, ETSI RRS, FP7 Concertation meetings, and IEEE Dyspan-SC
- Designing new architecture and algorithms for operational cognitive networks
- Designing and studying new algorithms for cognitive radios and opportunistic access
- Designing practical approach for radio environmental maps
Universitat Politècnica de catalunya (UPC), Spain |
Postdoctoral Researcher |
Feb. 2006 - Feb. 2009 |
Involved in E3 (End-to-End Efficiency) 7th framework IP project, E2R II (End-to-End Reconfiguarbility-Phase 2) 6th framework IP project, Spanish projects COSMOS - TEC2004-00518 and COGNOS - TEC2007-60985, and IEEE DYSPAN-SC working group:
- Designing new architectures, procedures and methodologies for the coexistence of primary and secondary wireless networks
- Designing dynamic spectrum management and joint radio resource management methods for cognitive/heterogeneous networks
- Defining new metrics to evaluate the efficiency of spectrum management methods
ENST Bretagne, visiting UPC, Spain |
Postdoctoral Researcher |
Apr. 2005 - Jan. 2006 |
Involved in NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications) project:
- Designing and developing frequency management algorithms for WCDMA systems (collaboration with UPC)
- Specifying simulation platform suited to TDMA/CDMA TDD interference pattern
(collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: UPV)
- Specifying simulation platform suited to TDMA/CDMA TDD interference pattern
Community services |
Since 2004 |
Associated Editor for IEEE Access
Guest Editor for SI on Advances in 5G Cellular Networks and associated Technologies, Phycom, Elsevier
Conference chair
- Workshop Green networking 2010, in conjunction with Broadnets 2010 conference
- Transmission Technologies track in IEEE VTC Spring 2009 conference
Technical programme committee for international conferences and workshops
- BalkanCom'19, IJCDS’19, CICN’18, ICSigSys’18-19, SigTelCom’18, Menacom’18, ICACCI’17-18, Coral'16-17, IWSS'16-17, MCV'15, ICC’11-15&18-19, Globecom’11-13&15&17-18, PIMRC’08-09&11-12&16-17, WCNC’12&14-16,19, CoCoNet'15,18, FutureHetNets’14, VTC’09&11-16,19, MACNET’13, ICNC'12,19, PIMRC-WS-CRN'11, WiMob 08-09
Reviewer for international journals and conferences (IEEE, IET, ACM, Springer, Elsevier)
ENST Bretagne, France |
Research Assistant |
2001 - 2004 |
Involved in NEWCOM project
- Designing slot allocation heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms
- Improving the standardized closed loop power control algorithm
Teaching assistant at the University of Rennes1 and ENST Bretagne:
- Telecommunications basics
- Next generation network (NGN)
Supervising exercise sessions and laboratory activities for engineering students:
- GSM radio interface
- Network dimensioning and planning
- Networking Basics, HDLC, ATM, RNIS, ADSL
- Cisco configuration
Involved in PETRUS (Plate-forme d'Evaluation des Technologies Radio pour l'UMTS-TDD et ses Services) project:
- Designing Mathematical model for optimal power control procedure
- Designing and evaluating feasible interference avoidance schemes
- Designing and implementing API between DSP and FPGA cards, and Windows NT operating system
ENST Bretagne, France |
5 months Work Placement |
Apr. - Sept. 2001 |
Power control and slot allocation in the TDD mode of UMTS", Mathematical models and MATLAB simulations |
ENST Bretagne, France |
3 months Work Placement |
July - September 2000 |
Design and simulation of a telephonic call PSTN/GSM using SDL (a platform for Intelligent Network) |
Education |
ENST Bretagne, France |
Ph.D. in Computer Science |
2001 - 2005 |
Lebanese University, Lebanon |
Engineering Diploma |
1996 - 2001 |
Graduate degree with high distinction in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Majoring in Telecommunications and Networking
Skills |
Keywords: |
RRM, ASM, DSA, DCA, WCDMA, OFDMA, opportunistic access, localization mechanisms, REM
Network: |
UMTS, GSM/GPRS, WiFi, Cognitive and Reconfigurable Networks
NGN, Intelligent Networks, ADSL, RNIS, LAN
Digital Communication: |
Multiple Access technique (CDMA, TDMA, FDMA, OFDMA)
Modulation and Coding, Digital filters
Programming Languages and Softwares: |
MATLAB, C, C++, SDL, html, php |
Operating Systems: |
Microsoft Windows, Unix (Sun Solaris), Linux (Ubuntu) |
Languages |
: mother tongue
: spoken and written fluently
: spoken and written fluently
: advanced spoken and written
: basic spoken and written
Links |